Furniture & Assembly


一間200尺單位柏高設計團隊利用樓層單位選用了合成組裝傢俱, 上下層位置:選用合規格優質加密龍骨結構非常穩固安全 護欄開放式閣樓打造成簡約風格寢室,衣帽間及書房, 上層上落樓梯設計師將每級樓梯做成揭板儲物櫃,方便用作收納零碎物品 柏高使全屋由原本200尺細小空間轉眼間變成300-400尺兩層特式別樹風格理想家園


柏高為解決空間搭建的以上痛點,經房企多年的研究合作與反覆運算, 對比傳統夾層建築模式,柏高全新傢俱系統"在安全性、 搭建效率和品質保障上都取得了創新性的突破

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Paco Buildings Material

Paco Buildings Material is an all-in-one furniture company, including commercial and residential household goods dealer, set design, production is marketing. Our style brand positioning is fashionable, modern, personalised and advocating quality superiority. We provide customers with our one-stop service for the whole house, focusing on its furniture and various types of hardware with the most fashionable and tactile products for customers to choose and purchase.

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