French Door

French Door法斯門

堅美的鋁框配合優美的玻璃裝飾鋁條盡顯其歐陸風格。 法斯門設計新穎而且高貴典雅。不論室內或室外,法斯門均能配合您的家居裝飾。 法斯門適用各類型的庭園門、入戶門及室內任何地方,為您家居倍添氣派。 法斯門的門框顏色可以自由選配,更能襯托家居的設計盡顯個人的風格。 除了單片玻璃外,顧客亦可選配中空玻璃,以達致更佳的隔音、隔熱效果。

Paco Buildings Material

Paco Buildings Material is an all-in-one furniture company, including commercial and residential household goods dealer, set design, production is marketing. Our style brand positioning is fashionable, modern, personalised and advocating quality superiority. We provide customers with our one-stop service for the whole house, focusing on its furniture and various types of hardware with the most fashionable and tactile products for customers to choose and purchase.

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